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  Positioning &
  Excellence in Decision-Support
for Senior Managers

On behalf of those we have the privilege of serving, Beckett Advisors brings insight, experience and integration to our clients' Strategic Positioning Audits:
  • insight into the massive shift which the world economy is undergoing;
  • solid business experience, working with startups to Fortune 1000 companies, to back up that insight;
  • and strategic integration, providing time-tested tools that enable clearly differentiated products and services, a solid value proposition, brand clarity and effective, consistent execution--all focused upon building solid and sustainable customer relationships.
Goal of Beckett Advisors' Audits and Reports: to provide the highest level of decision-support so that senior managers can leverage available resources in the most beneficial way. Our reports are delivered in the context of a facilitated workshop.
Beckett independent third party audits are conducted using a technique known as Triangulation, shown to deliver richer data with a higher degree of integrity for decision-support.

Audit Title Issue(s) That Can Be Explored
Strategic Positioning Audits
Brand Tracking Audits
Position the company for optimal growth in the marketplace
Pathways to increased market share
Gain loyalty and support from key influencers in the market
Customer Audits
Employee Audits
Ascertain customer loyalty and identify pathways to increased share of wallet
Ascertain employee loyalty and identify pathways to increased productivity
Business Development Audits Explore market demand for new products
Identify new markets for products and services that have been overlooked
Identify new channels to take products to markets that have been missed
Strategic Communications Audit Identify the most effective/efficient means of getting messages to the market


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