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  Positioning &
  Business Tools for Green Initiatives
The Beckett team provides the marketing, branding and sales tools that Green initiatives need to manage and grow effectively. We welcome your contact.
Our team brings many competencies specific to Green initiatives:
  • 19 years in marketing Green technologies
  • 27 years in finance and budgeting, specific experience in setting up operations for a successful Green technologies operation
Our team has a successful track-record of research and execution in the Green Technology and Environmental Sector from citywide to global initiatives:
  • Solar power generation
  • Waste generation solutions
  • Adsorption systems with microwave regeneration for air purification
  • Clean-up of petrochemical spills at sea
  • Clean water distribution
  • Soil washing - removing toxic impurities from soil
  • General Motors' first electric vehicle - the EV1
  • Recycling of computers and other electronics
  • Used motor oil recycling

Beckett Solar Energy - represents RenewSys India and other fine manufacturers

We are pleased to work with the most reliable manufacturers in India, Mexico, Canada, the United States and RenewSys India (www.renewsysworld.com) one of the finest manufacturers in the world of

  • Encapsulants EVA and POE (1.8 GW annual yield)
  • Backsheets and bus bar insulation (3 GW annual yield)
  • Solar multi cells (96 MW annual yield)
  • 40Wp to 380Wp Poly and Mono solar panels (750 MW annual yield)
Renewsys manufactures in Hyderabad and in Bengaluru. They also provide contract manufacturing facilities in Hyderabad. RenewSys facilities are ISO 9001 and their products are certified by the leading laboratories of TUV, UL and RoHS.
Beckett Solar Energy representatives are active in Europe, Canada, USA, Mexico, South America and China.
Case Studies- a Track Record of Success

Case Study #1: Beckett-assisted Success for Client in Launching a Green Technology Operation
  • Situation:
    • In 2001, an electronics recycling organization approached us with a need for a Feasibility Study to set up de-manufacturing plants within the state of California.
    • The National Safety Council reported that, "Three-quarters of all computers ever purchased in the U.S.A. remain stockpiled in storerooms, attics, garages and basements."
    • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported that, "More than 4.3 million tons of appliances and consumer electronics were discarded in 1999."
    • According to The Associated Press (5/09/00), more than 315 million computers were expected to become obsolete by the year 2004, containing an estimated 1.2 million pounds of lead, 2 million pounds of cadmium, 400,000 pounds of mercury and 1.2 million pounds of hexavalent chromium. In particular, the glass screens or Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) in computer monitors can contain as much as two-to-five pounds of lead. These noxious substances, especially the lead, can be an imminent, dynamic health hazard if they are breathed or ingested in appreciable quantities.
  • Action Taken:
    • Beckett staff gathered and analyzed internal/external intelligence; completed a Market Feasibility Study, followed by a thorough business planning cycle.

  • Result:
    • By 2006, our client had de-manufacturing facilities located in both Southern and Northern California. Today, they provide complete E-waste solutions that legally protect customers and treat the environment in an ethical manner. They are currently serving the needs of other waste handlers, government agencies, corporations, healthcare organizations, and non-profits.

Case Study #2: Beckett-assisted Success for Client in Educating Citizens Regarding Green Issue
  • Situation:
    • In the 1990s, the State of California took action to investigate the pollution of its ocean and other waterways with used motor oil. The primary perpetrators turned out to be young males in their 20s who were taking care of their own car maintenance.
  • Action Taken:
    • Prompted by the state's resulting grant program, the City of Pasadena retained the Beckett team to educate its citizenry-primarily its young male population. Beckett staff researched and analyzed the habits of those who changed their own motor oil. We then created a plan and supervised the City's chosen ad agency with a four-year implementation plan aimed at four major ethnic groups of young men.

  • Result:
    • The City of Pasadena won an award for being in the top tier of municipalities statewide that demonstrated remarkable change in its citizens' behavior in the shortest period of time: within six months of the kick-off of the awareness-building program, used motor oil recycling increased by over 60%. The City's waste director credited Beckett's research and insightful communications' plan with the pro-Green achievement.

Case Study #3: Successes in Supporting Green Technology Initiatives with Research
Beckett staff completed research projects and feasibility studies for:
  • An engineering firm that specializes in consulting with corporations and municipalities to create solutions and responses to waste generation credited us with helping them see how best to communicate Green technology issues to their target audiences.
  • A manufacturer whose equipment removes toxic impurities from soil credited us with helping them find language that was understandable regarding their new Green technology and with showing them a pathway by which they could share that message.
  • An engineering firm that specializes in the development of adsorption systems with microwave regeneration credited us with helping them find language that was understandable regarding their new Green technology and with showing them a pathway by which they could penetrate multiple market groups.
  • An environmental clean-up firm that specializes in clean up of petrochemical spills at sea credited us with providing process improvements within their organization based on a study that we undertook on their behalf.
  • The world's fourth largest engineering firm that specializes in clean water distribution retained us to complete a feasibility study that explored the centralization of market research to make it available to over 8,000 employees on five continents on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.


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