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Beckett Advisor's executive staff is comprised of seasoned professionals with diverse experience and talents in multiple disciplines who specialize in helping companies navigate critical transition periods. We have assisted private equity groups in originating deals, increasing value and exiting the investment. On a confidential basis, Beckett has provided laser-focused support to private equity groups with up to fifteen billion dollars in funds under management. Professional services include:
Assessments to Measure the Intangibles
For portfolio managers and operating partners, periodic organizational and operational assessments - conducted objectively and dispassionately - have proven to be exceptionally useful in identifying areas where a change in strategy, tactics and process is needed to create value.
Beckett Advisors' suite of consulting tools when expertly applied, have helped management build organizational consensus around the strategic vision, formulate alternative strategies to increase value, and foster an integrated tactical plan to achieve results.
To consistently enhance financial performance, healthy companies monitor and measure numerous key indicators, including their intangibles. The Beckett tools are available to help organizations measure intangibles-intangibles like reputation, perception, and execution. With this sort of credible evidence in hand, a management team can make more informed decisions, achieve greater speed in attaining its goals, communicate with the market with greater clarity. The result-a healthier bottom line. The eleven Beckett Decision-Support tools assist in the expert exploration of:
  1. Brand Clarification
  2. Optimal Pricing (our Precision Pricing tool)
  3. Prospective Customer Relationships
  4. Strategic Customer Relationships
  5. Competitive Ranking
  6. Employee Loyalty & Satisfaction
  7. Customer Loyalty & Retention
    • Channel or Dealer/Distributor
    • Key Influencer or Specifier
  8. No-Close Sales module (why sales weren't closed)
  9. Product or Service Feasibility
  10. Future Trends forecaster
  11. Assessing the Sales Messaging & Communications Platform
  12. Marketing-Spend Analysis
Strategic Customer Assessment Benefits
  • Gain important customer perceptions on the relative strength of your value proposition.
  • Confirm or deny the logic of your pricing strategy
  • Provide a reality check on the strength of customer loyalty and your sales projections
  • Grant valuable insights to the technological directions, market dynamics and new opportunities emerging in the market.
  • Uncover business growth opportunities.
Objectives of the Marketing-Spend Analysis
  • Improve the marketing-spend of a company--make it more effective
  • Improve the results of the marketing actions
  • Make recommendations where opportunities are uncovered
  • Recognize strengths
  • Encourage budget adjustments with rationale to support each recommended adjustment
What are the benefits of using the Beckett Tools?
The results are impressive. One company experienced a $225 million addition to their bottom line, while another, saw its sales increase by 65%. The Beckett tool-set neatly pairs efficiency and effectiveness in terms of due diligence best practice. Results can be delivered in days or a few weeks-diagnosis in hours. The size of the company makes little difference, as the flexibility of the Beckett tools make them appropriate for early-stage companies and Fortune 500 concerns alike. Whatever size company, whatever the nature of the industry, Beckett's insightful methods are tools for growth.
"Their assessments helped pinpoint exact areas of weakness in one day. Though we sensed that weakness existed within our portfolio company's marketing, branding and sales, management now had precise information so that they could address specific problems with assurance. The speed to this knowledge was invaluable."
Thomas Dollhopf, Marwit Capital, California

General Consulting and Advisory Services:
Beckett Advisors' senior professionals have assisted a wide variety of companies with specialized consulting services such as post-acquisition integration and change management. These services focus on addressing specific high-impact issues where improvement creates value. Particular expertise exists in assessing the root cause(s) of underperforming companies facing daunting strategic and financially-challenging issues.
Intellectual Property Management:
Frequently, the market capitalization of a company exceeds by many times the book value of the company. The difference is how the market assesses the value of a company's intangible assets: branding, patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
The Beckett team approaches intellectual property via three perspectives: legal, economic, and organizational. Beckett Intellectual Property experts can guide, consult, identify, value, manage, license, or help set up an internal IP department.
Beckett's Diagnostic Tool, Catalyst:
Catalyst is used to diagnose weaknesses, and identify opportunities within 24 areas of a company's marketing, sales and brand in less than one day. All tools can be used as stand-alone experiences. Though for the most actionable outcome, we suggest that certain tools be used in combination with each other.

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