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  Joseph F. Batty
Brief Bio:
Joining the Beckett team in early 2000, Joseph Batty, C.A. has enhanced Beckett offerings in Investment-Ready Services. He possesses a breadth of business finance experience that is invaluable and has assisted in the financing of over 20 private sector companies with new products and technologies, since 1987.
During a 30-year career as a Chartered Accountant, Joe has served a variety of organizations in both the private and public sectors. He has held several directorships and management positions, including a 3-year tenure as CEO of a high tech company specializing in computer-controlled lighting systems. During his tenure as VP of Finance at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Joe's interest and involvement in new products and technologies led to his spearheading a technology transfer liaison program between NAIT professional staff and industry. Two decades hence, new products and technologies are continuing to be commercialized and the Liaison Program is a vital source of innovation for Canadian high tech companies.
  • Assisted in financing of over 20 private sector companies
  • Specialist in capitalizing intellectual assets
  • Former CEO of computer-controlled lighting system company
  • Spearheaded vital Canadian technology transfer resource--The Liaison Program for Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta
Personal Statement:
"The only sure thing in life is: tomorrow, something around us will have changed. I am fascinated with the emergence of the new information-age economy. As emphasis slowly shifts from the old economy manufacturing-age, Intellectual Assets will become a commodity just like land, buildings and equipment are today. Currently, these Intellectual Assets are rarely valued in a company's financial statements, yet they often are the centerpieces of new high tech companies. I am working toward a solution to this strange dichotomy.
At Beckett, I enjoy helping companies understand and manage change. Collaborating with our customers, we work to both create and leverage positive change."
Chartered Accountant, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta
Protect and Leverage Intangible Assets
The Beckett Asset & Intellectual Property Audit reviews a company's balance sheet and financial documentation to assure that the value of intangible assets is not overlooked. Beckett's Senior Consultant and Chartered Accountant, Joe Batty, has a 40-year track-record of helping companies and major accounting firms in this arena.
Though G.A.A.P. and FASB procedures support the capitalization of the costs leading to establishment of intangible assets, these recommendations are often inconsistently applied on behalf of equity partners. The most common treatment is writing-off these expenses as allowed for tax purposes. The Beckett IP review includes:
  • Inventory of intellectual assets
  • Meetings with a company's external auditors
  • Categorizing intellectual assets
  • Determining the investment made in each intellectual asset
  • Establishing an amortization policy for intellectual assets
  • Capitalizing the asset by category
  • Applying the amortization policy to each category
  • Drafting and filing the proper documentation
To review a capitalization case study, click on Case Studies.

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