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  Robert McGarvey, Founder & Director of Strategic Performance
Brief Bio:
Robert McGarvey is a strategic performance specialist to corporations, non-profits and is co-founder of Beckett Advisors. A global market analyst, writer and lecturer, he has also been an Executive Committee Member of the UK-based Economic Research Council since 1991. Founded in 1943 in London, the Economic Research Council investigates economic and political change and studies their impact on global business. With the Council, Robert was co-architect of a significant market leadership study of 600 companies--examining how and why certain companies established and maintained leadership positioning, and why many well managed companies failed to fulfill their potential.
At Beckett Advisors, Robert's unique perspective on the transformation of assets has contributed to the firm's positioning as a brand asset management firm. Prior to Beckett Advisors, McGarvey participated in the leadership of two other successful ventures--he co-founded and sold a high tech lighting company and he expanded the global operations of an international consulting and exploration firm serving the petroleum industry.
Robert's areas of interest are in global trends, intellectual property, and banking reform; he has presented on these topics at Banking Conferences of the G7 Nations in Prague (1994) and in Scottsdale, Arizona (1998).
Robert has been a Principal in the Beckett firm since 1998.
Personal Statement:
"Over the past ten years, I have combined an international business career with a deep-seated fascination for and research into the forces of change. The insights that I have gained in the theoretical realm have been tempered by the pragmatic requirements of business. As a result, a number of analytical tools that improve business decision-making have been developed and successfully employed. I would now, at this critical point, like to make these insights available so that others can profit from the dynamic forces shaping our future."
Post Graduate Diploma (in International Relations and World Politics) London School of Economics & Political Science
BSc. (in General Science-Physics specialization), University of Alberta, Canada
BSc. (in Petroleum Geology), University of Alberta, Canada


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