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  Sharon Bailey Beckett
Brief Bio:
Sharon Bailey Beckett is a founding partner, and Managing Director of Beckett Advisors, the North American business strategy and market research group with an international client base. She is an advisor to Private Equity fund managers, CEOs, and corporate senior managers representing a broad spectrum of industries and technologies-from early-stage companies to Fortune 500.
The Beckett Advisor teams under her leadership have helped organizations like Nickelodeon, The Smithsonian, Phillips Magnavox, and owners of some of the largest energy resources in the world, refine their strategies, and experience organic growth in specific areas. Working with clients like BNSF Railroad, Beckett teams uncover ways to enhance operational efficiencies to boost performance.
She is the author of numerous articles for trade publications focused on industry trends and business expansion tactics, and was co-author of Beckett Advisors' suite of analytical protocols and market research tools. CEO's and PE managers alike have credited these tools with significantly impacting their corporation's bottom line.
Sharon's committed to mentoring the next generation of business leaders through the Beckett Advisors Internship Program; graduate students from Russia, Italy, France, Spain, Holland, Malaysia, Japan, UK, Mexico and the United States have participated. Active in a wide-range of civic, and charitable organizations, she was co-chair of The M&A Advisor's inaugural 40 Under 40 Los Angeles event in 2010, and was a key contributor to Los Angeles County's Technology Weeks over a spread of years.
In 2006, Sharon received a lifetime achievement award from President George H.W. Bush's Council on Service and Civic Participation for her commitment to volunteerism.
Bailey Beckett's board service has included the Advisory Board of Los Angeles-based manufacturer, Riedon; the Board of Directors and Executive Committee service for the Pasadena Angels, one of the most respected angel investment groups in the United States; the Advisory Board for the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and the Advisory Board for California's largest business incubator-the Los Angeles Business Technology Center in Altadena, California.
Personal Statement:
"For over twenty-five years I've studied the ways in which companies make their mark by developing meaningful products, services, and technologies that impact our world in a positive way. It's a fascinating process, and I get great satisfaction helping to engineer forward-thinking strategies, and by setting the stage for expansion. Thriving, well-positioned companies can better withstand the vagaries of the economy, and helping companies prosper so they can share their success with their employees is extremely rewarding. Healthy companies foster a self-sustaining cycle: meaningfully-compensated employees can better nurture and educate their children, who in turn, develop into individuals who'll make positive contributions to our world. Watching everything come full-circle is a fantastic reason to get up in the morning."
B.A., University of Cincinnati, Ohio

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